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How Much Is a Tree Worth?

The Timberland Investor

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Free Forestry Guide: https://thetimberlandinvestor.com/how...

One of the most common questions in forestry is how much standing timber is worth, so here is how you can estimate the value of individual standing trees. While it requires a lot of assumptions and a bit of educated judgement, it isn't a difficult to estimate.

0:00 Intro
0:31 The Data You Need
1:00 Estimating Volume
3:35 Using a Biltmore Stick
6:53 Merchandizing Stems
11:38 Measuring the Tree
14:17 Stumpage and Timber Values
17:49 Results


Board Foot Volume Table and instructions:

Stumpages Price Resources by State:

Measuring Diameter:

What Affects Stumpage Value?:

posted by leonsioer