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How to Clear Your All Emotional Blockages and Cure All Diseases

Engineering Made Easy

This video explains, How to Clear Your All Emotional Blockages and Cure All Diseases. How you can cure all your diseases just by controlling your emotions and replacing bad emotions by good emotions. By doing this your energy blocks will be cleared and you will get rid of all your diseases.
You are the one who is responsible for all the diseases you have. All your diseases are created by your mind. Because our mind and body are closely linked.
As we know diseases are caused by the imbalance of different kinds of chemicals or hormones in our body. Which chemical will be released by the body is determined by what's going inside our mind and our emotional state at that time.
When we have good emotions, our body releases good hormones but having negative thoughts or bad emotions triggers hormones that are harmful for the body.
When we get trapped into a pattern of thinking negatively, our body starts to release harmful chemicals more frequently. So we lose our ease and get diseased.
Therefore you can cure any disease just by changing the way you think, believe and act.
our subconscious mind doesn't know right or wrong as it has no logical power.
it doesn't matter whether the information is true or false. It makes it our reality.
Because the release of chemicals in our body depends 100 percent on what's going inside our body and what emotions are prominent at that time. It has nothing to do with what's going on in the external world.
External world acts only as a trigger to how we feel.
It makes your imagination, your reality.
This shows that we create our reality based on what we believe.
So we are responsible for creating diseases for ourselves knowingly or unknowingly.
We constantly trigger the release of harmful hormones because of our negative thinking pattern that ultimately leads to diseases.
So the root cause of all the diseases is hidden in our emotions.
Doctors generally try to suppress the body symptoms with medicines that appear due to our suppressed emotions.
They don't care about unblocking that blocked energy.
What they do is, just suppressing current symptoms and then later another symptoms.
These suppressed emotions find different ways to show in the form of different diseases.
A single type of bad emotion can create multiple diseases in our body.
Observe, what's going in your mind at the present moment?
Are these thoughts positive or negative?
Depending on your type of thought, you are creating your reality. Not just the future reality, you are actually living and experiencing these thoughts in the present moment.
Therefore try to break the chain of negative thoughts by being mindful of your thoughts.
Keep it in mind, we do not suffer, what's going in the outer world. We only suffer our thoughts running in our mind.
We create our world in our mind and live in that world.
We are the only creator of this world.
So let the bad emotions go and free yourself from bad memories, guilts, hatred, fear, revenge and anger.
Your every cell suffers these emotions. Then how would it function properly. How would it synthesize good quality proteins for your body?
So first you need to confess that you have created all the diseases that you are suffering from.
It's the time to take charge in your hands to heal yourself. By changing your way of thinking from negative to positive and finding good in every situation would reprogram your subconscious mind.
Spread love and positivity in the world. By doing this you are actually favouring yourself as healthy chemicals will be released in your body and your body will start to heal quickly.
Your brain is the most advanced and complex chemical producer. It can manufacture all the chemicals or hormones that are needed to keep us healthy and to cure our diseases.
Always try to have positive thoughts in your mind and love others.

Louise Hay, the Author of famous book "You can heal your life", has contributed a lot, in finding the relation between mind and body. She believes, every disease is linked to some emotion.

Now we will see, how some common bad emotions create different kinds of diseases in our body.
You can analyze it for your diseases too.

Cancer: Deep bitterness, old grudges and hopelessness for a long time
Migraine: Suppressed anger, Putting too much pressure on yourself; obsessed with perfection
Hair problems: Tension and Lack of strength
Stomach problems: Inability to adapt to new experiences, fear of new ideas and severe anxiety
Allergies: False ego and sensitivity
Diabetes: Grief and Lack of sweetness in life
Ulcers: Anxiety; self doubt, fear caused by lack of confidence
Itching: Unfulfilled desires, remorse, guilt
Frequent pains: Self Punishment for guilt
Warts: Guilt, selfhatred, believing that you are ugly
Rheumatism: Feeling of revenge, chronic bitterness and lack of love

After identifying what emotions are associated with your diseases, you can work on your emotions to get rid of your diseases.

#health #energyblocks #emotions #diseases

posted by ypptaji