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How to get audited by EDD

Milikowsky Tax Law

No one wants to be audited by the California Employment Development Department. In this video, we outline the triggers that are sure to get your business scrutinized by the EDD, if not audited. Avoid these at all costs.

In case of an EDD Audit, contact Milikowsky Tax Law at (858) 4501040.

Some EDD Audit Triggers:
Misclassification of Workers: We explain how misclassifying workers as independent contractors can trigger an EDD audit and outline steps to correctly classify workers.
Inconsistent Reporting: We highlight the dangers of inconsistent reporting of worker classifications and how to maintain consistency to avoid scrutiny.
Lack of Documentation: We emphasize the importance of thorough documentation to support worker classifications and compensation practices.

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If your business is undergoing an EDD audit, our tax attorneys are here to provide expert guidance in dealing with the Employment Development Department.

posted by bensiwnum