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How To Keep PSA Low While On TRT

Southwest Integrative Medicine

Are you on TRT and worried about your PSA levels? Maybe you're concerned because you think you might get elevated psa levels or maybe you're already seeing that happen on your blood test results. In this video we're gonna address this specific question, how to keep PSA levels low while on trt. We're gonna look at the specific contributing factors on PSA, coming from TRT, and we're also gonna look at some things that may contribute to PSA that have nothing to do with TRT.

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So for those of you that don't know, psa stands for prostate specific antigen and TRT is testosterone replacement therapy. So one way to keep PSA low while on TRT or testosterone replacement therapy is to keep a closer eye on your PSA with regular blood tests. Now, of course, the testing itself is not going to help with keeping the PSA low, but the testing is gonna help you catch it before it gets too high, so you can take corrective action on whatever's causing that. So here we wanna look at what some of those potential causes could be both related to TRT and unrelated to TRT.

So as I said, PSA stands for prostate specific antigen, and it's a specific protein to the prostate. And levels usually signal an inflammation going on in the prostate or in that prostate tissue. Or it could also be from increased growth or expansion of those tissues, and there are many things that can cause increased growth in expansion of those tissues. Again, some related to TRT, some not related to TRT. So first, let's look at the ones that are related to TRT or testosterone replacement therapy.

Estradiol and DHT, also known as dihydrotestosterone are two hormones that come to mind regarding growth of prostate tissue. Remember, PSA is a protein or antigen that comes from the prostate, so more prostate tissue means more PSA,

Both estradiol and DHT can raise the PSA because they both stimulate growth and enhance growth of prostate tissue. So part of keeping PSA in check while you're on trt is to keep the estradiol and keep the dht in check.

However, this is a bit like using a paper towel to keep dry during a rainstorm. It may work out first, but eventually you're gonna get wet depending on how much rain is coming down. This is to say that if you're on TRT or testosterone replacement therapy, you're going to make more DHT. You're going to make more estradiol. It's just part of the process of being on testosterone replacement therapy.

Still, there are some things you can do to keep them relatively in check so that you're not getting super high PSA levels. How often are you injecting? Basically, we want to know how high is the peak of your testosterone, and that's gonna determine the amount of estradiol and DHT that you're making.

So if you take a big dose of testosterone once a week, you're gonna get a real high spike in your testosterone. And this is contrasted with a small dose several times a week.

When you take the big dose once a week, that estradiol and DHT are gonna be much higher. And this is because those tissues, the prostate tissue really all over in your body is going to get saturated by the testosterone. And when that happens, the enzymes that naturally produce estradiol and DHT are gonna be saturated with this testosterone, and they're naturally just gonna start converting.

So step one and how to keep PSA low while you're on TRT is to check these levels when you're at your peak testosterone level. So if you're doing an injection once a week, you want to check it three to five days after your injection, not seven days after your injection. If they're high, then you have the option to decrease the dose or break the dose up into two shots per week. Something like that would be reasonable now.

You also have to consider the effectiveness of the treatment. Eventually, if you decrease the dose too much, you're really not getting anything out of it. Usually though small reductions in dose, people don't really notice a whole lot in terms of the effectiveness of the treatment. if your psa has increased over time, it's gonna take several weeks to even months to really notice that PSA start to respond to those lower estradiol and lower DHT levels. You can also try to control the estradiol and DHT with different medications and herbal supplements.

I'll put a link to some of the ones that we use in the description in case you wanna check those out.
With all this being said, you still have to keep in mind that analogy of a napkin in the rainstorm. If there's only little trickles or sprinkles, that napkin's gonna do just fine to keep your head and maybe body from getting wet. However, if it's down pouring, that napkin's really gonna do nothing. So in this case, the napkin can be thought of as the herbs or slight adjustments in your peak testosterone levels.

posted by aber92