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How To Paint Hyper Realistic Birds | Red Tailed Hawk Time Lapse #17 January Art Challenge

Artist Sarah McComb-Turbitt

Gorgeous colouration, different feather textures, those piercing eyes there is a lot to paint in a redtailed hawk!

This painting was a massive challenge for me to paint in a realistic style. Hawks not only have feathers, one of the most challenging textures to capture, in my opinion, but their distinct colouration and need for accurate placement of specific feathers while creating a round body increases the difficulty.

I hope you enjoy this video!

& ps I have included a few short realtime clips of painting footage throughout the time lapse this time too!
I had a few comments on other videos about being too fast, so hopefully, these clips will help show the brush movements I use. But, overall, I wanted this series to focus on the significant phases that progress a painting because I think it shows more of the mystery of how it was created.
Let me know in the comments if more focused 'paint along' realtime videos would be exciting to you, and I can work on a spinoff!

I painted this hawk throughout January 2628 (so it was more of a twofulldays painting vs my normal oneday rule in January, whoops!), and it became the 9th painting sold during the challenge! I am currently uploading prints of all the paintings onto my website, and 10/20 of the challenge paintings have found new homes

Reference photography purchased from David Salter.


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00:00 Intro
01:00 Blocking In All The Feather Colours
02:04 RealTime Footage Early Feathers
02:40 Building Up Texture From The Beginning
03:16 Talons and Bark Modifying Reference Images
05:04 RealTime Footage Leg Texture
05:45 Eye
06:32 Beak
07:04 Feather structure
08:06 RealTime Footage Efficient Feather Details
08:41 Liner Brush Details & Filbert Colour Washes
10:18 Save Your Whitest White!
11:14 Building Layers Of Translucent Feathers
13:16 Wrap Up

posted by ressopetv9