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How to Prune a Rosebush with a Scythe | Slåttergubben at Work on a Swedish Meadow


When working on the meadows, we usually need to deal with bushes and other things that get in the way of scything the grass. In this video, I show you how the scythe is an excellent tool for pruning rosebushes and why we do it in the first place.

Note that you don't want to use a freshly peened scythe blade for this. On a freshly peened blade, the cutting edge is way too thin and fragile for this kind of work. Instead, you want to use a blade that has been used on grass for a few hours and is at a thickness to where it's needs to be peened again.

Undertexter finns på svenska och engelska. Välj språk i videons Inställningar. ⚙
Subtitles are available in Swedish and in English. Choose your language in video Settings. ⚙

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posted by zyneckolorshu