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How to: Step-by-Step Sushi at Home |从米到卷的 详细寿司制作记录|壽司|在家做寿司的百科全书|6种基础寿司做法|壽司製作教學


Sushi, popular all over the world and some people call it the healthy fast grab and go food, and some people think it is arts. But I just want to call it INTERESTING RICE ROLLS!!!!!!

To roll your own sushi at home, you need to know all these details below and I will show it as details as I can.

Here’s everything you need to know…
0:00 intro
0:26 What kind of rice to choose? 米选择
0:48 What is the rice water ratio to cook the perfect Sushi rice? 煮饭米水比例
1:35 What is the perfect rice temperature to roll into a Sushi roll? 米饭做卷温度
2:00 How to make seasoned Sushi vinegar? 寿司醋调配
1:19 What is the ratio of rice and Sushi vinegar? 米醋比例
5:34 How many grams of rice per seaweed sheet we should put on? 每条卷的米饭用量
2:36 How to cut/slice the ingredient so they are friendly to be rolled? 食材准备
5:50 How to roll the 5 types of rolls
5:50 Makizushi Roll 正卷寿司
7:08 Uramaki/Inside out Roll 反卷寿司
8:25 Nigiri Sushi /Handformed Roll手握寿司
9:40 Gunkanmaki /Warship Roll军舰寿司
10:46 Aburi/Roasted Sushi 炙寿司岩烧寿司
11:41 How to cut the rolls so that they look clean and beautiful? 切割寿司卷
12:07 How to decorate the roll top and cut them while keeping them integrate? 装饰技巧
12:30 Sushi show 成品展示

Sushi Rice
Sushi Rice 750g
Water 750g (for cooking only)

Seasoned Sushi Vinegar
White Sugar 50g
Salt 12g
Rice Vinegar 90g

500g Rice+85g Seasoned Vinegar

Sushi Seaweed

Of course, the fillings and toppings are up to you, so choose whichever ingredients you love the most!

Unplug the rice cooker after the cycle is completed and leave the rice inside for ~20min.
Don’t leave the plug in and keep warm for long time.
Cool down the mixed vinegar rice a little and put back in rice cooker. Body temp warm rice is best for rolling
Cut to be the same length as the Seaweed Length 21cmto hold its position inside the roll
Wrap it good specially the side part. Push the air out and seal the side.
Rolling Tip 1: Leave 1cm blank in the front and use several rice to make it sticky for normal roll. No blank space in the front end and do press the rice to be more attached to the seaweed sheet for insideout roll.
Rolling Tip 2: Leave 1cm apart between seaweed and bamboo wrapper edge for pressing during rolling
Sushi# Homemade Sushi#
Note: my techniques for making these sushi rolls are not 100% authentic or traditional. But, the rolls I make are really nice yummy! ♡♡♡
寿司精益求精的食物 今天一一分享我的一些做寿司的经验包括
1. 如何选择大米
2. 煮寿司米饭的米水比例
3. 怎么煮米饭
4. 怎么调制寿司醋
5. 寿司醋和米饭的比例
6. 米饭什么温度最适合卷
7. 每张海苔放多少米饭是标准
8. 怎么处理各种常见的寿司食材
9. 怎么做正卷 反卷 军舰寿司 手握寿司 岩烧寿司
10. 怎么做寿司表面的装饰 怎么切割可以保证表面的完整

寿司米 750g
水 750g 煮饭用

白米醋 90g
海盐 12g 非海盐稍减量
白砂糖 50g

每500g 米饭配85g 调配好的寿司醋

*每张海苔200g是正常可以上下浮动160210 都是可以的 。 饭多馅就多包些。
*米饭著好好 拔掉电源焖制20分钟即可。不要一直插电保温。
*放凉到手温略高 放回电饭煲被保温 用多少 温温的米饭最好卷. 保温的米饭随取随用
*食材尽量切成与海苔一样的长度 21cm 防止卷制时候移动
海苔的粗糙面朝上 与米饭接触。
各种卷都有自己的细节技巧 请点击各个章节查看。

最后 这些只是我做寿司的一些经验技巧 和大师门相比就是冰山一角。 大家一起探讨学习 一起进步 爱你们

posted by masargestione7q