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How to survive the holidays with a narcissist | The Narcissist Slayers

The Narcissist Slayers Podcast

Please join your Cohosts, Hope Jay and Lynn Catalano as we delve into the topic of how to survive the holiday season with your narcissist. We share stories, experiences, and important skills and coping mechanisms to deal with your narcissist and maintain your peace and sanity during the holiday season.

The Center for Hope, WNY is a 501c3 NonProfit organization located in Western New York.

At the Center for Hope, we are committed to helping people safely leave abusive relationships. We believe that when you bravely make the decision to leave, you deserve the support of professionals who specialize in:

Legal Representation

Mental Health Support

Financial Advisement

Self Care Opportunities

We offer all of these services in a virtual collaborative of experienced providers who have your well being and healing at the forefront of our practice.

posted by kulkoeknb