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How to Win Friends u0026 Influence People in the Digital Age - 3.13: Begin in a Friendly Way

Machiavellian Psychology

The chapter "Begin in a Friendly Way" from "How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age" emphasises the importance of starting interactions positively to build and maintain trust. The key points include:

1. Friendly Approach: In digital communication, where emotions and intentions can be easily misunderstood, initiating conversations with a warm, pleasant demeanour is crucial. This sets a tone of goodwill and openness.

2. First Impressions Matter: Since many relationships begin online, making a positive first impression is vital. A friendly introduction can significantly influence the course of a relationship.

3. Building Trust Online: Trust is developed through consistent, positive interactions. This involves showing genuine interest in others, being responsive, and engaging respectfully in all digital communications, recognising that each interaction is an opportunity to strengthen trust.

Overall, the chapter stresses that beginning interactions in a friendly manner is a strategic approach to fostering lasting relationships and trust in the digital age.

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posted by usluziue