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i made one drop of water 1000000x hotter than the sun and this happened


i made one drop of water 1,000,000x hotter than the sun and this happened
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Universe Sandbox ² is a physicsbased space simulator that allows you to create, destroy, and interact on an unimaginable scale.
It merges realtime gravity, climate, collision, and material interactions to reveal the beauty of our universe and the fragility of our planet.
Universe Sandbox ² includes the desktop version and a VR mode with support for the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift+Touch, and Windows Mixed Reality.
Simulate Gravity
Nbody simulation at almost any speed using Newtonian mechanics. Real science, real physics, no supercomputer required.
Collide Planets & Stars
Epic, mindblowing collisions of massive planetary bodies that leave behind molten craters.
Create Your Own Systems
Start with a star, then add a planet. Spruce it up with moons, rings, comets, or even a black hole.
Model Earth's Climate
Watch sea ice grow and recede with the seasons because of the tilt of the Earth: change the tilt and change the seasons. Or move the Earth farther from the Sun and freeze the entire planet.


posted by atapia100cj