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I Tested Bonzi Buddy Against My Real PC

Crypto NWO

Today, we're testing Bonzi Buddy against my real pc. Produced by Joe and Jay Bonzi (Bonzify was created by Joel from Vinesauce), this 2000s virtual assistant that also became known as "the bonzi buddy virus" is all set for a faceoff vs my real Windows 11 PC.

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Current sub count: 1.12M

tags: bonzibuddy, virus vs pc, virus vs computer, computer virus, I Tested Bonzi Buddy Against My Real PC, I Tested BonziBuddy Against My Real PC

For business inquiries/fanart/if you just want to write me: [email protected]

0:00 bonzi buddy vs real pc
0:23 BonziBuddy 4
4:23 BonziBuddy 1 (original)
4:38 BonziBuddy 2 (peedy the parrot)
6:26 BonziBuddy 3
10:20 Bonzify (dangerous)

Why are you looking this deep into the description? Comment "hodl crypto" if you're reading this. Have a lovely day.

posted by gorda48ji