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Idi Amin At The Start Of A Visit To Egypt Three-Day Visit To The Sudan

AP Archive

(26 Jan 1977) C0055339
film shows: president amin of uganda meeting president sadat of egypt in alexandria at the start of a visit to egypt
lead in: uganda's flambuoyant and controversial president, general idi amin, began a visit to egypt on thursday (may 27) as the guest of president anwar sadat.
general amin flew first to cairo, and then by helicopter to alexandria, where he was officially greeted by president sadat.
gv alexandria street
ls amin's name on archway
ls posters of amin and sadat
gv palace
ms guard
cu flag
ms amin & sadat inspect guard of honour
ms amin and sadat seated
ms mrs amin and son with mrs sadat
cu mrs sadat, pull out
commentary: the streets of alexandria the port city where president sadat spends most of the summer in preference to cairo was decked out with slogans, posters and flags to mark general amin's visit.
since general amin came to power five years ago last january, uganda has sent home all its israeli advisers and has put all its support behind arab causes, including the struggle for palestinian rights.
general amin and president sadat met in the ugandan capital, kampala, last july at a summit meeting of the organisation of african unity, when proposals by president sadat for economic sanctions against israel from african countries received wide support, notably from uganda.
in spite of reports that uganda is in a severe economic crisis, the welcome given to him in alexandria indicates that egypt still values ugandan support and influence.
the two leaders had talks in the port city on bilateral relations, and african and middle east affairs. general amin on friday (may 28) visited egyptian army units in sinai and along the suez canal; and he was returning to cairo for the last day of his visit on saturday (may 29).
film shows: mosque in khartoum; president amin out of car and walks into mosque; various shots of amin and sudan's president gaafar numeiry praying inside, along with congregation.
lead in: the ugandan head of state president idi amin continued a threeday visit to the sudan on friday(19 november '76) and took time out to observe the holy day by joining the sudanese leader president gaafar numeiry in prayer. the prayers were treated with considerable ceremony and stringent security.
ms tilt minaret to show mosque
ms amin out of car and into mosque (2 shots)
gv people praying
ms amin rises after praying
ms numeiry and amin seated (3 shots)
commentary: the ugandan leader accompanied president numeiry to the khartoum mosque on friday(19 november '76) to pray the gumaa. the prayer session was a focal point of the controversial african leader's visit to the sudan. president amin's visit comes at a time when the sudan is still on war alert following the last attempt to overthrow the numeiry regime.....alleged to have been inspired by libya.
uganda and the sudan share a common border and thus have interests in the development and wellbeing of eastern and central africa. the two leaders are holding official talks during president amin's call on his northern neighbour. the sudan is taking on an increasingly important role in the world with its gradual development as the "breadbasket" of the arab world. by 1985, its hoped that the sudan will be able to provide as much as forty percent of the entire arab world's food imports.

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