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If Someone Goes 'NO CONTACT' On You Do This!

Aaron Doughty

This is the key to being ATTRACTIVE AF! Are you ready to become the most magnetic version of you? Join The Magnetic Mastery Membership here: ➡ http://www.magneticmastery.com

If someone goes no contact on you, the things you do next are very important in understanding how you can switch the energy field back, or completely let it go, and allow yourself to be safe in your own frame, not tuning to other people's energy in order to need validation or approval.

And in this video, I'm gonna show you exactly how to do that, exactly what to do next, and exactly why this will change your life more than anything else you could possibly do. Now, no contact is, when you're dating someone, you're maybe even in a relationship with somebody, and then maybe things start to pull away.

Maybe for a while, things are going okay, you're texting each other back and forth, there's a certain type of connection, but then what happens is the energy starts to be pulled away, and then like that sometimes, there is no contact moving forward.

This person may not respond to voicemails, not text back at all, not show up at the same
places they used to. It's like the energy was there, and then all of a sudden, it's completely cut off.

Now, with this energy, and with this thing, what happens is many times people will feel
that somebody else energetically pulls away.

And then what happens is they then double down, and they try to get the energy back. They try to do, and they think in their minds, something I'm doing is wrong. Maybe there's even something wrong with me.

And if I do something a little bit differently, then this person will actually come back, and everything will be just as good as it was before. Now, if that's the strategy, I promise you what will end up happening, you'll end up pushing them away even more, because when somebody wants space, and when somebody goes no contact, what that means is they do want space.

It means that they are calling, and they are asking for some, that things that have been feeling a little bit too much for different reasons, sometimes.

On one hand, maybe they're not ready for a relationship. Maybe the intimacy is scary to them. On the other hand, it could be that maybe the energy that was being projected at them was too much, and they just want space.

They started to feel too, like there wasn't enough space for them just to be themselves. Or they started to feel like they weren't being their own individual self, so that may have scared them as well.

So there's two sides of that. I think it could be sometimes people that just don't wanna become emotionally available or connected, or sometimes it's just people, and they aren't ready for that, and sometimes maybe the energy that was being projected at them was just a little bit too much, so then they pulled away.

Now, the key to this is understanding that the meaning you give to why they pulled away is gonna determine the kind of energy that you embody. And what I'd like to encourage you to understand is that all because they pulled away does not mean that there's something wrong with you.

It does not mean that you're not gonna be happy. The story you're telling yourself about that person a lot of times, too, may be a story that is completely either outdated, or a story that is just on autopilot.

I know for myself, I've had challenges in the past where I would feel like somebody was pulling away, and then I would internalize this to mean okay, there's something wrong with me. I'm not doing something good enough.

And then there was like this block, and there was also this story that this is supposed to work out, this has to work out, and it's creating all this pressure in the relationship. And the thing is, is when we are energetically thinking of someone, or we are, we have a certain heavy story about someone, we're projecting them energy, and they're feeling that.

So one of the best most magnetic things you could possibly do in this circumstance is to actually pull your energy back, pull your energy back. If they go no contact, do not chase after them. Do not try to get them to come around. Don't think there's something wrong with you, and if you did something a little bit different, than they would stick around.

Pull your energy back, and focus on yourself. Focus on what this means for you. You don't have to give this a meaning that says there's something wrong with me. The thing that I realized is when I was attracting people that weren't choosing me is because there was a story that I had that that's the way it works.

When I was attracting, and in a space to where it was challenging for me to let go of the old story, it was because I was then becoming aware that the old story was a story that's been on autopilot since I was a kid.

And in many ways, the same dynamic that I was experiencing in dating was actually more
related to the parent dynamic when I was a kid.

posted by yomomma714h