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Information that will shock you about jellyfish..

Wise boy

Information that will shock you about jellyfish..
Jellyfish are fascinating creatures, and here are a few surprising facts about them:

1. *Immortality:* Some jellyfish species are biologically immortal. They can revert back to an earlier stage of their life cycle after reaching maturity, essentially resetting their biological clock.

2. *No Brain or Heart:* Most jellyfish don't have a brain, heart, or bones. They rely on a simple nerve net to detect light and chemicals and coordinate their movements.

3. *Ancient Existence:* Jellyfish have been around for over 500 million years, making them one of the oldest living animal groups on Earth, older than dinosaurs and sharks.

4. *Venomous Stingers:* While not all jellyfish are dangerous to humans, many species have venomous stingers used to stun or kill prey. Some can deliver a painful (and in rare cases, deadly) sting to humans.

5. *Invasive Species:* Certain jellyfish species have become invasive in various parts of the world due to human activities such as shipping and climate change, disrupting marine ecosystems and fisheries.

6. *Bioluminescence:* Some jellyfish species are bioluminescent, meaning they can produce their own light. This ability serves various purposes, including attracting prey or distracting predators.

7. *Environmental Indicators:* Jellyfish populations can indicate the health of marine ecosystems. Their abundance can sometimes be a sign of environmental stress or imbalance in the ocean.

These facts illustrate the unique and often surprising characteristics of jellyfish, highlighting their importance in marine ecosystems and their impact on human activities.
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posted by anissadaoud7q