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Ionikylation: Safe and Sustainable Alkylation Technology – IRPC Americas Rewind

Hydrocarbon Processing

Alkylate is a valuable, cleanburning, octaneboosting gasoline blending stock that is becoming increasingly important in the green economy. Unfortunately, traditional alkylation processes utilize corrosive and toxic catalysts such as hydrofluoric acid and sulfuric acid, and these chemicals pose serious safety and environmental concerns while significantly driving up the costs of safety and maintenance for refiners.
Well Resources’ safe and sustainable Ionikylation technology utilizes a noncorrosive composite ionic liquid catalyst to produce high yield, superior quality alkylate. All Ionikylation process equipment is manufactured using carbon steel and the system is operated at moderate operating conditions.
Ionikylation was first commercially demonstrated in 2005. Since then, six commercial units ranging from 50,000 to 300,000 metrictpy have been constructed, including the world’s first successful revamp from an existing hydrofluoric acidbased alkylation unit. Several new units have been have been licensed and are under construction.

posted by SuefsSeeltHeRpt