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Is Luthen... Rael Averross? Dooku's FIRST Apprentice? ANDOR THEORY

Lost Acolyte

#StarWars #Luthen #Andor #andorshow #cassianandor #luthenrael #raelaverross #andortheory
At this point it's basically a mini series all on its own when it comes to talking about Luthen being a jedi. So here is one more video to add to the collection (scene).

In the two videos that I have done before this, most of it covered about the different possible clues that the show might be hinting to us regarding Luthen’s background. But in this particular video we are going to take a little bit of a step away, at least for a little bit and do some character comparisons. Specifically between Luthen and Dooku’s apprentice. And no it's not qui gon jinn we are talking about but Dooku’s other lesser known apprentice by the name of Rael Aveross. Based on his name you can already see why some star wars fans out there have started to point out the possibility that Luthen Rael is Rael Aveross. Possibly having changed his name following order 66. And its a really exciting theory to consider.

But just who exactly is Rael Aveross? Well Aveross was Dooku’s apprentice before Qui Gon even came into the picture. Born on the planet Ringo Vinda, Aveross was a rather talented jedi considered to be one of the best duelists within the jedi order. But Aveross did have issues when it came to conforming with the Jedi Code. Much like Dooku and Qui Gon, Aveross was a little bit more flexible when it came to interpreting the rules. To give a basic run down of what we know about him so far, we know that during the invasion of Naboo Averross had his own apprentice. An apprentice that he was forced to strike down after nanotech took control of her brain and pitted her against him. This traumatic incident led to a sense of guilt within Averross. Although he was cleared of any wrongdoing, Averross was sent away on another assignment by the Council, one that would take him to the planet Pijal.

At this point in time the planet Pijal is going through a turbulent political climate. The ruler of the planet had recently died leaving a 6 year old girl as heir, far too young to assume authority. And so Averross was sent there to act as a regent until she became of age. Part of the reason why the council sent him to the planet in the first place, believing that if he cared for a little girl it might help him find closure with what happened to his padawan. But being regent of a planet also means that he had to deal with a lot of politics, having to handle various political factions and influential entities such as the Czerka Corporation.

However, during his time on Pijal things escalated to the point where he had to call in Qui Gonn for assistance, alongside Kenobi. After this matter was solved, Dooku actually reached out to him and encouraged him to join the Sith, an offer that he refused. And Aveross’ story more or less ends there. There is really not much known about what happened to him after, especially after order 66.

And immediately you might be able to recognise that there are some interesting similarities between Luthen and Aveross besides sharing the name Rael. The first thing to point out is how similar their personalities are and the fact that from a character progression standpoint, it's very plausible that someone like Aveross could end up being like Luthen. Part of the reason why Aveross had difficulty with conforming to the jedi code likely due to the influence of his former master Dooku, who as we’ve seen in the tales of the jedi, had quite the pragmatic mindset when it came to dealing with problems. Quite willing to compromise with the Jedi Code if it meant securing a better outcome. A sort of the end justify the means sort of mentality. And we see this trait in Aveross as well. In a conversation between Qui Gon and Aveross, Qui Gon confided in him that fact that Dooku had tortured a bounty hunter by the name of Shenda Moi. But Aveross didn’t seem particularly concerned about this news. Possibly sharing the same philosophy with Dooku and trusting that his former master knew what was best. Not only is this pragmatic mindset unjedi like, it also mirrors they way Luthen thinks, albeit at a much more extreme level. Luthen’s monologue perfectly surmises his way of thinking, the same sort of thinking that led to Dooku joining Sidious. And so knowing that Aveross too possessed this way of thinking, it doesn’t seem that farfetched that his character would develop into Luthen following the events of order 66 and the rise of the empire. The extent of loss, grief and anger that Aveross had to face following these events could very well lead him into becoming Luthen. Following a very similar path as Dooku did. It should also be noted that Averross’ experience with intrigue and politics could lend itself very well to the things Luthen is facing. It would give him the necessary skills and tools to manage an underground rebellion, something which Luthen is quite good at...

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