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常に大騒ぎなんでしゅ!! It's always a festival!!

Cute Hamster Room


The content of the video is the same as usual, but this time I made as few edits as possible to create a video that allows you to feel the realism of Hamuko's dynamism and the atmosphere of the family that is swayed by it. Whenever Hamuko wakes up and comes to the living room, there's a big fuss. Hamuko runs around the house and the family makes a fuss (but it's fun). Hamko has reached a pretty good age, but it seems like her rampage will not stop. (by google)

#お祭り #疾走 #元気 #可愛い #ペット #ハムスター
#festival #play #cute #pretty #hamster

posted by an1grts