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Jabiru SP 470 Walk around A look at a Jabiru Flying Jabiru Aircraft (Eps 1) (35)

Stand Up Moto

Jabiru aircraft SP470 walk around. This video is the first of 10 that I will be doing on flying light recreational aircraft in Australia. I am a private certificate holder that has been flying for a little over 30 years with almost 2000 hrs. I have flown fixed wing aircraft, gyrocopters, weight shift microlight aircraft & smaller general aviation aircraft. I don’t fly as a job or for commercial interests. I fly for something far more rewarding THE LOVE OF FLYING. Many noncommercial pilots obtain their pilots certificate later in life after family, work & financial commitments ease both male & female. The purpose of these videos is just to show you what & why people all over the world take up flying as a hobby. Maybe you’re just interested in watching & photographing aircraft, and that fine also. It’s all about the one thing the love of aircraft and the community that surrounds it. I am not a flying instructor, nor is any of the content in this series of videos to be taken as lessons. It’s more about maybe giving you that insight that may just get you to wander into the local flying school and give it a go, or maybe you’re just interested in flying as a whole. Whatever the case, I hope you enjoy buzzing around with me over the coming months, and please feel free to leave a comment below or ask any questions that I may be able to answer. Follow me on Instagram
Please note this is a demonstration video for entertainment purposes only and not to be viewed as instructional, any views expressed are my own personal opinion.

posted by malarmatfz