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Japanese Listening Practice 通り名がない日本の住所の謎: 歴史と文化の視点から解説 日本語ポッドキャスト (Japanese Podcast) Episode 2

Nihongo Talkers


今日のスクリプトは、Nihongo Talkersのウェブサイトにあるブログでご覧いただけます。

Japan's address system is unique in the world. We will unravel the mystery of why there are so few street names by exploring its historical background. Additionally, we will deepen our understanding by comparing it with address systems in other countries such as the United States and Europe.

You can view today's script on the blog section of the Nihongo Talkers website.
At the end of the blog, we have prepared a 50question kanji reading test that was used in the podcast episode. I hope you find it helpful for your Japanese studies!

#住所の謎 #日本の歴史 #他国との比較 #日本の文化 #外国人観光

⌚Time Stamp
00:00 イントロダクション
01:08 日本の住所システムの歴史的背景
02:29 明治時代の都市計画
03:00 戦後の復興と住所システムの進化
03:30 他国の住所システムとの比較
04:19 日本の住所システムの特徴
04:50 地図と住所表示の特徴
06:05 日本の主要都市の事例
07:39 日本と同じシステムを使っている国々
09:03 日本で道に迷った場合の対策
12:00 エンディング

⌚Time Stamp
00:00 Introduction
01:08 Historical Background of Japan's Address System
02:29 Urban Planning During the Meiji Era
03:00 PostWar Reconstruction and Evolution of the Address System
03:30 Comparison with Address Systems in Other Countries
04:19 Features of Japan's Address System
04:50 Characteristics of Maps and Address Display
06:05 Examples from Major Cities in Japan
07:39 Countries Using Similar Systems to Japan's
09:03 Tips for Navigating When Lost in Japan
12:00 Ending


Mochi's Japanese Podcast
If you're aiming to improve your Japanese listening skills, this podcast is perfect for you! It’s packed with episodes that not only help you enhance your speaking ability but also sharpen your listening skills. Enjoy learning about Japanese culture and history while experiencing an entertaining and educational program.

Nihongo Talkers Instagram: nihongotalkers

posted by Ethiopic6n