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Jesus Helps Me Be Generous (Kids' Lesson: Jesus Teaches About Money) Lessons From the Bible

Faithville Productions

Is money bad or good? Did Jesus ever teach about money?
It's never too early for kids to start following Jesus even when it comes to how they use the resources God gives. In today's lesson, kids will learn that Jesus taught us how to think about our money, how to use our money, and how to give our money. Kids will also learn about the tithe! Help your kids think about money Biblically!

Main Point: Jesus Helps Me To Be Generous
Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:67
Bible Story: Jesus Teaches About Money (Riches in Heaven...Matt 6:1924, The Rich Man's Story... Luke 12:1321, The Widow's Mite... Mark 12:4144)

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posted by Getaumelwo