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July Cosmic Forecast: Soul Advancement

Glow your true colours

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June, July and August is where soul work is being called for. Do the inner work now and you will be greatly rewarded as we progress through the 2024 energy. It is like preparing the soil so it's rich and fertile, planning seeds that will bear tasty abundant fruits in the months ahead. Tend to your soul now, get to know who you are, use the soul plan you have been given to live your magnificent soul fulfilled life and your mind will be blown at just how magical life can be for you. Mention soul sessions.

We had turquoise blue in June which was emotional, expansive and limitless and had us really move through the discomforts of any limits placed on the soul. Now we are being invited to go deeper with indigo.

Indigo the colour of the night sky, deep blue with a hint of violet. This month your intuition will deepen and you will be called to look at any areas you are playing small, being a victim,giving your power away and really understand that life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you.

There is a consciousness upgrade, living from the higher mind. We really will be called to recognise that it is consciousness that is determining our reality. We are not passive observers, we are active participants and are creating the very fabric of our life and that of the world. Nothing is separate and every second of every day offers us an opportunity. It is how we view things. Do you see things as problems or as opportunities, from a place of lack of possibility. You are now wise enough to know better and it is time to live what you know to be true over just knowing and understanding. You may be tested this month but that will only happen if you resist and want to be right over being happy.

Don’t view life based on the external, base it on the internal. Go within, how do you see yourself is how you see the world. Do you recognise yourself as a unique whole, and worthy being who has a special place in the world and whose offers and your presence has immense impact on the world? You are a mighty cocreator. Step into your soul’s power, your soul’s destiny and reach for the stars on the indigo sky that will light the way. If you think about the indigo sky when one star shines what the indigo sky looks like when all the stars are shining. It is more spectacular. We are part of the bigger whole. Real positive change is happening and is possible but you have to be that vibration and live from your soul not from the human, safe, practical, logical place we have been conditioned to value. It is now time to follow your intuition rather than gut feeling.

Gut feeling is how we feel right now. It’s a basic & immediate feeling and is influenced by the mind. Tends to be reactive to other people’s actions or situations. It is a survival instinct, a response that can keep us safe and alive. While intuition is a higher level of consciousness, to sense energies and is more subtle. Sensed over felt.

Let curiosity lead you. Wouldn’t it be nice..tap into the magic, write out each day what magic experiences you had. Stay open and be clear on your hearts desires, what you would absolutely LOVE from your life and business? Dream, dream dream. We are geniuses but the school systems, society has knocked that out of us. There is no more place from living from that place. Tap into the awakening or awakened genius you are.
Drop the forcing, making things happen, know that you have the capacity to overcome anything. Involve spiritual protection from light of the highest consciousness and unlearn the autopilot ways we have been living up to this point.

The healing and support you need right now in this phase of your souls development is not going to come from logic sources but requires from loosening the grip that will gently let go of what no longer serves you and restructure more supportive, vibrant ways of beingness and doing and interacting with life. Stay true to the soul of you. Drop into your heart and ask what would love do.
You don’t have to do it alone like you once did, there are Divine helpers waiting for you to ask. Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened. What physical help can you invoke, what can you delegate and to whom?
Bring in more play and wonder and you see the magic of life and ALL it has to offer. Take time to connect with your soul and your spirit, nurture you and your Divine connection this month. It will bear so many dividends in so many ways.

posted by gatonaraz