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This video presents our walk to the active convent of the Holy Intercession Monastery and its main temple St. Nicholas Cathedral.
It is convenient to get here by public transport, we move from the trolleybus stop on Sich Riflemen Street along the former Monastyrskaya Street, which now bears the name of Pimonenko. On the way to the monastery, you can see a number of historical buildings from the early 19th century.
00:04 The house at 2A/58 Nikolai Pimonenko Street on the corner with Sichovykh Riflemen Street, on the bend the main part of the old estate, known since the early 1800s as the property of F. Vilchinsky and his descendants. Since 1894, the estate belonged to M. Orlov and his wife. After the change of several temporary owners in 1905, it passed to the bourgeois M. Svechnikova. The house was built in 1913 in the late modern style with neoclassical features, it is an architectural monument.
01:22 Building No. 8 the former building of the surgical department of the Nikolaev hospital, founded together with the Intercession Monastery by Grand Duchess Olga Petrovna. The building was erected according to the project of the architect E. Ermakov in 19101911.
02:35 Intercession Monastery in Kyiv an Orthodox convent of the Kyiv diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. It was founded on January 11, 1889 by Grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna (nee AlexanderFrederickWilhelmina of Oldenburg, monastic Anastasia), who later became abbess.
A house church was founded here, where, according to the testimony of the Grand Duchess, after praying before the image the list of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God, she received the healing of paralyzed legs and took secret tonsure with the name of Anastasia.
The Intercession Monastery was founded by the aunt of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II, Grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna. The daughter of the Prince of Oldenburg and Princess Teresa was a Lutheran from birth, but she became engaged to Grand Duke Nicholas (son of Emperor Nicholas I) and converted to the Orthodox faith.
In 1881, Grand Duchess Alexandra Petrovna, expelled and slandered by her husband, left Petersburg and settled in Kyiv, where she set about implementing her idea of ​​creating a monastic community. The community was conceived by her not only as a nunnery, but also as a medical institution for the poor, in which the role of junior medical personnel would be performed by the nuns and novices of the monastery. The Grand Duchess managed to realize her plan by donating all her funds to the new monastery (her family also donated part of the funds).
The design and construction of the monastery was carried out by Vladimir Nikolaevich Nikolaev (18471911), the diocesan architect of Kyiv (later the architect of the KievPechersk Lavra). The Church of the Intercession and the majestic Nikolsky Cathedral, the preliminary design of which was drawn up by the son of the Grand Duchess Peter Nikolayevich, were built by Nikolaev in the Russian style. The laying of the Nikolsky Cathedral took place on August 21, 1896. The cathedral was built with funds allocated by the Kyiv benefactor Nikolai Artemievich Tereshchenko. The construction of the cathedral lasted 15 years. On May 9, 1911, Bishop Pavel (Preobrazhensky) of Chigirinsky consecrated its main altar. Currently, St. Nicholas Cathedral has two floors and six thrones.

posted by athronyddky