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Lama Ole in Bhutan

Sascha Kunkel

Lama Ole Nydahl ist ein buddhistischer Lehrer mit zehntausenden Schülern in aller Welt. Während der Hochzeitsreise mit seiner Frau Hannah begegneten sie 1968 dem 16. Gyalwa Karmapa, dem Oberhaupt der KarmaKagyüSchule des tibetischen Buddhismus. Der 16. Karmapa beauftragte die beiden, im Westen den DiamantwegBuddhismus zu lehren und buddhistische Zentren zu gründen.

Seitdem ist er ständig weltweit unterwegs, um Vorträge zu halten, Meditationskurse zu leiten und buddhistische Zentren zu betreuen.

Mittlerweile hat Lama Ole Nydahl mehr als 600 Meditations und Studienzentren der KarmaKagyüLinie gegründet und ist damit der wohl bekannteste westliche buddhistische Lehrer. Mehr als 150 Zentren und Gruppen befinden sich im deutschsprachigen Raum, womit die KarmaKagyüLinie eine der populärsten buddhistischen Traditionen im Westen geworden ist.

The Karma Kagyu lineage belongs to one of the 4 main schools of Tibetan Buddhism. As a lineage of direct oral transmission it places particular emphasis on meditation and the realization of the direct experience of mind gained through the guidance of a teacher.

The Karma Kagyu lineage has its roots in the teachings of the historical Buddha and developed into a practical way to enlightenment in India and Tibet. For over a 1000 years Buddhist Masters (Mahasiddhas) such as Naropa and Maitripa in India as well as the famous Tibetan Yogis Marpa and Milarepa shaped the lineage as a practical everyday practice for lay people. Since the 12th century there has been an unbroken line of Karmapas and their reincarnations keep the lineage alive and strong.

Today Buddhist teachers such as the 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje, Kunzig Shamarpa, Sherab Gyaltsen Rinpoche and Jigme Rinpoche continue to spread the Eastern wisdom further. They support the work of the new Western centers worldwide.

Gyalwa Karmapa is the first consciously reincarnated Lama of Tibet. After many meaningful lives as a realised individual in India he chose to be reincarnated in the Northern Himalayas.

Since the 12th century the Karmapas have been the heads of the Karma Kaygü lineage and responsible for the continuation of this direct transmission lineage. The 16th Gyalwa Karmapa left Tibet in 1959 in order to preserve the Karma Kagyü lineage due to the Chinese destruction of his country. With the help of his Western students he brought the knowledge of the nature of mind to the modern world.

The present 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Thaye Dorje was born in 1983 and in the spring of 1994 managed to flee the oppression of Tibet for the freedom of India.

posted by BoydayKedsj