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Lamego - Portugal

360Portugal - Portugal seen by a portuguese

A very ancient city dating back to Roman times, it was definitively reconquered in 1057 by Fernando Magno de Leão to the Moors; when the districts were instituted in 1835 by a reform of Mouzinho da Silveira, Lamego was initially planned as a district seat; but that same year the headquarters of the same was moved to Viseu, due to its more central position.
It was in Lamego that the legendary "Cortes de Lamego" ocurred, where D. Afonso Henriques was acclaimed King of Portugal and the "Rules of Succession to the Throne" were established.
It is the seat of the diocese of Lamego (the only Portuguese diocese that does not correspond to a district capital), and in the county there are numerous religious monuments, such as the Cathedral, the Church of San Pedro de Balsemão and the Sanctuary of Our Lady Senhora dos Remédios, which also gives the name to the annual Pilgrimage whose main day is 8 September, which is also the municipal holiday.
It is also known for its gastronomy, in which its hams are distinguished, the "roasted goat with rice from the oven" and the production of wines, namely port wine, whose Demarcated Region is part, and sparkling wines.

posted by ecoen14086