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LAX Imperial Hill Plane Spotting Air Force One 747 200 u0026 Marine One

Nate_the_great 2004

I went on a plane spotting trip to Los Angeles and Air Force One was parked at the remote stand at the far side of the north complex at Los Angeles. The Temporary Flight Restriction was from 1:30pm to 2pm. They transferred Qantas flight QF11 the daily A380 from Sydney Kingsford Smith International to a really rare 25L arrival. They also transferred the daily Emirates A380 flight EK216 Super from Dubai arrive on 25L due to Air Force One leaving on 24R on the north side. It will probably not happen again to get 2 A380 kings back to back arrive on 25L. Marine One was quite the airshow 4 V22 Ospreys and 2 Chinook Helicopters in the formation of Marine One. I also caught the Korean A380 flight 018 Super depart on runway 25L for its 12 hour and 20 minute flight back to Seoul Incheon. Asiana flight 201 Super also departed for Seoul Incheon on 25L. Both A380s from Korean and Asiana were really heavy so they had a long roll out. I'm always amazed how the A380 can take off so easily.

posted by NeencuncMixyn