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Leak Free Stucco Parapets For ANY Climate | Fundamentals + Details + Considerations

ASIRI Designs

Stucco parapet walls are notorious for having moisture problems, as the issues associated with stucco are compounded when applied to a wall assembly without an overhang protecting the top of the wall. In general, parapets are risky assemblies, as the intersection between various building geometries and roofing components can be extremely complicated to properly flash and air seal while taking into account other factors like material compatibility, roof membrane terminations, approved substrates, and other critical considerations, and specifying stucco doesn't make this process any easier. In this video, we discuss how to design and build stucco parapets for framed walls properly to prevent leaks and other moisture related issues from air leakage, vapor, and hydrostatic pressure build up from damp stucco.

*Read the full article here on how to design a moisture free stucco parapet wall: *

*Get the Flat Roof Design Guides For Hot and Cold Climates and CAD Details: *

Other Flat Roof Articles and Resources:

Link to the article on Best Practice Details for Flat Roof Parapets:

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