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Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners


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⭐ Contents ⭐

Section 1: Getting Started
(00:00:00) Introduction
(00:01:05) What is JavaScript?
(00:02:13) Setting up the Development Environment
(00:07:08) Follow on social media

Section 2: JavaScript Variables
(00:07:29) Variables
(00:12:23) Constants
(00:14:14) Primitive Types
(00:19:13) Dynamic Typing
(00:20:56) Objects
(00:24:21) Arrays
(00:27:07) Functions
(00:29:31) Types of Functions
(00:31:13) Summary of Variables

Section 3: JavaScript Operators
(00:32:14) Intro to Operators
(00:32:28) Arithmetic Operators
(00:35:26) Assignment Operator
(00:36:07) Comparison Operators
(00:38:05) Equality Operators
(00:41:22) The Ternary Operator
(00:43:30) Logical Operators
(00:51:02) Logical Operators with Nonbooleans
(00:54:20) Operator Precedence
(00:55:12) Summary of Operator

Section 4: Control Flow
(00:56:14) IfElse Statements
(01:00:46) SwitchCase Statements
(01:05:15) For Loops
(01:10:41) While Loops
(01:13:48) Dowhile Loops
(01:15:27) Infinite Loops
(01:17:16) Forin Loops
(01:19:26) Forof Loops
(01:21:21) Break and Continue
(01:29:44) Exercise: Max of two numbers
(01:30:48) Exercise: FizzBuzz
(01:33:19) Exercise: Even and Odd Numbers
(01:34:46) Summary of Control Flow

Section 5: JavaScript Objects
(01:35:38) Object Literals
(01:37:09) Factory Functions
(01:40:16) Constructor Functions
(01:43:53) Objects are Dynamic
(01:46:22) The Constructor Property
(01:48:08) Functions are Objects
(01:51:14) Value vs Reference types
(01:53:37) Enumerating Properties of an Object
(01:57:26) Cloning an Object
(01:59:43) Garbage Collection
(02:00:11) The Built in Math Function
(02:03:02) String Methods
(02:08:35) Template Literals
(02:10:41) The Date Object
(02:12:55) Summary of Objects

Section 6: JavaScript Arrays
(02:13:46) Introduction to Arrays
(02:14:22) Adding Elements
(02:17:17) Finding Elements (Primitives)
(02:20:56) Finding Elements (Reference Types)
(02:23:23) Arrow Functions
(02:25:59) Removing Elements
(02:28:49) Emptying an Array
(02:31:08) Combining and Slicing Arrays
(02:32:58) Spread Operator
(02:34:31) Iterating an Array
(02:36:27) Joining Arrays
(02:41:02) Sorting Arrays
(02:45:49) Testing the Elements of an Array
(02:49:55) Filtering an Array
(02:53:02) Mapping an Array
(02:57:26) Reducing an Array

Section 7: JavaScript Functions
(03:01:04) Function Declarations vs Expressions
(03:03:38) Hoisting
(03:05:49) Arguments
(03:09:12) The Rest Operator
(03:13:31) Default Parameters
(03:17:30) Getters and Setters
(03:21:42) Try and Catch
(03:24:41) Local vs Global Scope
(03:27:46) Let vs Var
(03:30:54) The ‘this’ keyword

Subscriber count: 1

posted by futieren0k