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《白蛇傳》笛子協奏曲 'Legend of the White Snake' Dizi Concerto|笛/ 黃麟堯|指揮/劉江濱

Hsinchu City Youth Chinese Orchestra (HCYCO)

場次2015 竹青之星




I. 「許白結緣」以一段飄渺淡遠的引子開始暗示了故事的神話背景接著笛子奏出如歌似的主題描寫風光明媚的西子湖畔草長鶯飛遊人如織許仙與白蛇開始甜蜜的愛情。

II. 「法海弄術」一段精彩的哭腔笛子的哀婉淒惻表達了白素真的懇求。中間一段笛子在中低音區的獨奏抒發了白素貞淒苦欲絕、百般無奈的心緒。

III. 「水漫金山」整樂章以甚快板進行描寫白蛇和法海的鬥法在漫天蓋地的波濤中雙方各顯神通。

IV. 「雷峰夕照」波光激豔的尾聲樂段中笛子奏出華彩樂段而後重覆第一樂章的主題情緒趨於恬淡平和在逐漸遠去的樂聲中結束全曲這段人與蛇的姻緣令人惆悵低迴。

"Legend of the White Snake" Dizi Concerto
ComposerLaw WaiLun / Zheng JiMin
ConductorLiu ChiangPin
Concert2015 Rising Stars of HCYCO
VenueHsinchu Performing Arts Center, Taiwan

"The Legend of the White Snake", also known as "Xu Xian and White Maiden", is a renowned Chinese legend. It is now counted as one of China's Four Great Folktales, the others being Lady Meng Jiang, Butterfly Lovers, and The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl (Niulang Zhinu).

The very original folktale was formed in the Tang dynasty. The main male character, Xu Xian, is described as a heartbreaker who abandoned a beautiful white snake spirit after their first encounter. The main female character, Bai Suzhen, is a white snake spirit capable of transforming into a human form after practicing Taoist magical arts for thousands of years. In the Qingming dynasty, the folktale was then adopted and developed in various Chinese operas. Through the evolution in a thousand years, new characters are added, including the green snake spirit, Fahai, and the old man of the South pole, which enriched and formalized the story in various aspects. In the Story, Xu Xian was facing a dilemma between morality and love, manifesting an ordinary yet weak humanity. However, Bai Suzhen, as a seductive monster, expressed her toughness and courage for love after experiencing an extraordinary love with Xu Xian.

The composers, Law WaiLun and Zheng JiMin, adopted Wu opera in Zhejiang and Jiangnan melodies as the prominent motifs which drive the piece to become the most classic Dizi concerto. It debuted in May 1986, and Chou JiMin himself played the solo. The piece comprises 4 movements:

"Attachment between Xu and Bai": The music initiates with a delicate and airy introduction implying the background of the myth. The Dizi solo afterward plays a cantabile theme portraying a beautiful landscape of West Lake where Xu Xian and the white snake spirit started their sweet relationship.

"Fahai's Enchantment": Dizi plays an astonishing mournful and sorrowful passage expressing Bai Suzhen's sincere imploration. Dizi solo plays alone in the lower register in the middle part of the movement revealing Bai Suzhen's miserable and hopeless soul.

"The Flooding of Jinshan Temple": The entire movement is covered with fast passages depicting the tense scene where Bai Suzhen confronted Fahai with strong magic powers. With the earth and sky covered by furious waves, they intended to outshine each other with their best skills.

"Leifeng Pagoda in the Sunset": The epilogue unfolds with Dizi playing a cadenza as if the lake sparkles in the sunset light. Eventually, the theme in the first movement recapitulates in a more subtle and calm emotion. The entire piece gradually ends with the music fading away. The melancholy feeling of this relationship between a human being and a snake profoundly surrounds the listeners.

Translation Source: Singapore Chinese Orchestra

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#白蛇傳 #羅偉倫 #鄭濟民 #HCYCO #2015竹青之星

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