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Let's Predict The Future Together! A Forecasting Exercise - Live Qu0026A With The Medical Futurist

The Medical Futurist

Let's explore the important trends together that will help shape the hospital of the future and how they will transform care!

15 years ago, I envisioned a new era of healthcare where patients and doctors work together using the latest technologies, and have been working toward this goal ever since. We have come a long way, today, we believe in the value of digital health and in the idea that technology can make patients the point of care, receiving care, diagnosis, and treatment, wherever they are.

Many people think that futurists like me spend their days hunched over a crystal ball with a tinfoil hat and report on whatever wild thought crosses their mind. These misconceptions are justified by the numerous farfetched ideas publicized but were only to grab media attention. However, futurists employ more scientific methods than the coveted crystal ball.

This live Q&A will help you better understand how futurists come up with forecasts; the challenges that come with crafting those; and the resources that you can use right now to become a futurist yourself.
Trends That Will Determine The Hospitals Of The Future: Let’s explore the important trends that will shape the hospital of the future and how they will transform care
Trends Shaping The Future Of Pharma: The pharma industry has taken a big swung into digital transformation. All participants invest in digital health topics. But as with all trending issues, and there is a lot of fuss that is hard to see through.
Trends That Will Dominate Digital Health: What role will cars, smartwatches, genomics, AI or 3Dbioprinting play in the future of digital health?

Futurists don’t predict the future but rather think about possible upcoming scenarios by systematically studying trends and data available. Join this session to learn how to analyze these trends and build scenarios.

posted by se5necvl