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Lily's questions for Eliza Hull

CYDA YouTube

Lily's questions for Eliza Hull
1. On the back cover (of ‘Come Over to My House’) there is wording that says, ‘in the book there are children and parents who are deaf or disabled’, I’m wondering why you say deaf or disabled when deafness is still a disability?
2. Eliza, in the about the author part you said that you wrote the book so that kids would be less confused when they see disabled people and for kids with disability they would feel less alone. You also said you have a disability. I think that if you write a book about disability or with disability it’s important to have a disability or be close to someone with a disability so you don’t say things that would be offensive or incorrect, So do you have any thoughts on this?
3. I think there might be barriers for getting books about or with disability published, like publishers may not think there is a market for it or not realise the importance of it when there are plenty of people with disability. What were some of the issues you had whilst trying to publish your book and would you have any advice or suggestions you’d like to give to future publishers and authors?

Where is this clip from?
Children and Young People with Disability Australia (CYDA) held a webinar (CYDA Book Power Webinar) all about representation and inclusion in books. Attendees joined to discuss how books can change the way we see the world. The webinar explored why it is important to have stories about people with disabilities, featuring characters with disabilities, and written by people with disabilities.
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Lily Gaulton

Lily (she/her) “I am 10 years old and have cerebral palsy, autism, anxiety, ARFID, allergies, and a few other medical conditions. I was born at 26 weeks, and I have many doctors and appointments. I also have a physio therapist, speech therapist, and an occupation therapist (OT). I like to read, play on my iPad or switch, and cuddle on the bed or couch with my cat Paula. I am quite smart. I am good at writing stories, and I am an advanced reader. I am in a Challenge program at school which is for academic kids. I have a mother, father, and a little brother Ethan, but he can be annoying sometimes. We have quite a few pets including a dog, a cat, two fish, two rabbits, and a hermit crab. We also sometimes foster cats. My favourite pet is our cat Paula, who is my best friend. At the moment, I am currently doing things to advocate for people with disability and other programs I’ve helped out with.”

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