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Living with MS: MS Symptom VS Non-MS Symptom

MS Tracy Girl

So today I am back in the saddle! Feeling pretty good and healing slow. I am not a patient person at all, so this I believe is the most excruciating part! Thank you again so the staff and Dr. Abrams at DISC in helping me heal. This roller coaster ride has me still reeling about how life can chance in a footstep. I have been diagnosed with CES (cauda equina syndrome). Basically extreme pressure by a herniated disc onto the "horse tail" section of the end of the nerve cluster in the spinal cord. I had no idea.

Today I want to stress the difference between what may be a MS symptom or a nonMS symptom. There are important relationships between all of your doctors no matter how many you may have that foster good health. Listen to your body.

posted by gameo2h