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金黄酥脆的外皮加上浓郁的独特香料,吃了一口停不下来!| Malay Style Fried Chicken



材料 Ingredients
5个鸡腿 5 drumstick

【腌制材料 Marinade ingredients】
一汤匙的玉米粉 1 tbsp of corn starch
一汤匙的粘米粉 1 tbsp of rice flour
一汤匙的咖喱粉 1 tbsp of curry powder
一汤匙的辣椒粉 1 tbsp of Chilli powder
半汤匙的盐 half tbsp of salt
3颗红葱头 3 shallots
1块黄姜 1 turmeric
1 块姜 1 ginger
4瓣蒜米 4 cloves of garlic
23条香茅 23 lemon grass

【提香材料 elevated aroma ingredients】
适量的咖喱叶 some curry leaves
适量的辣椒干 some dried chilli

posted by Raggettier