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Mammoth Mountain Bike Park 2020 - The Trails You Should Ride

Tanner Antles

Bike: 2020 YT Capra Comp
Dates of Riding: 7.4.20 & 7.7.20
Rider: Tanner Antles

Mammoth Mountain Bike Park A guide through some of my favorite trails:
1. Off the Top
2. White Bark
3. Kamikaze
4. Richter
5. Boomerang
6. Shotgun
7. Pipeline
8. Smooth Operator
9. Techno Rock
10. Velocity DH
11. Twilight Zone
12. Shock Treatment

Whether you're new to Mammoth MTB or a regular customer, this guide is aimed at helping you up your game and find some new trails that fit your style of riding within the park.

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posted by fcojaviercidxp