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Mario must die 3 all levels (breaks)


This hack was made by Sokobansolver. Student loans starts at 01:26:13 Comments and timestamps below.

I had to fix quite a few things to play this. I couldn't fix some the nowalk or nojump generators as I don't know how they work. Most notably, I could jump in the lakitu boss fight, and I could not walk in "the bouncer".
There are tons of breaks in this hack. Some parts are so obscure that I didn't even notice that I broke something.
Boss gfx is still broken 08:53
Looks like this Yoshi block was added just to allow more breaks. 09:36
At 14:20 I would need an invisible Yoshi to dismount, but I only realized that much latter. (so I broke the level instead)
The item memory trap at 24:40 is awesome.
The rng part at 25:40 is awful.
The intended strat for 27:28 is pretty neat (shell jump to scoll the camra down, then shell jump again), but I never figured that out.
I didn't know that reversing gravity allows mario to swim in lava. 31:16
These nowalking levels are a lot more difficult that they look. They can be tedious at times (mostly the section at 36:25), but most parts are like small puzzles and I like that.
Hitting all 6 noteblock at 38:36 without killing the koopa took a long time.
I'm super glad that I found a short solution to the room at 45:54, as I have to beat it quite a few times.
The yellow blocks that give mario 127 speed are great. They give you the rare chance of exploring how Mario's physics break down at maximum speed.
The Yoshi at 01:12:56 is is slot zero, so he would get corrupted when I enter a screen scolling pipe later. I hence have to respawn him in a different slot.
I'm still glad that I can break the juggling section at 01:15:41
Sprite limits make the boss fight at 01:18:41 a lot easier, as a thwomp and a fire bar don't spawn for me.
I had to add the boost block at 01:25:47, as I couldn't walk in this level.
I originally wanted to walljump at 01:32:35, but the I noticed that the gray pswitch turns the gray spikes into coins.
Being able to jump makes the final boss fight at 01:36:01 a lot easier. Putting a muncher above Mario's head might fix this.
I really liked the references to the entire MMD series in the last level.

00:53 Platform Antics (normal exit)
05:10 Beach Volleyball (normal exit)
09:33 4D Cavern
13:10 Run Yoshi Run! (normal exit)
19:20 Thou Shalt not Jump
23:46 Cantrip Castle
29:51 Gravity Falls
35:05 Thou Shalt not Walk
49:44 Nonary Palace (red switch)
42:45 Nonary Palace (green switch)
45:44 Nonary Palace (yellow switch)
49:17 Nonary Palace (Yoshi coins)
54:11 Nonary Palace (secret exit)
54:40 Nonary Palace (blue switch)
56:34 Sonic Boom (normal exit)
01:02:48 Labyringth of Agony
01:12:25 ZBreak (Yoshi coins)
01:19:53 Platform Antics (secret exit)
01:20:45 Beach Volleyball (secret exit)
01:22:00 Run Yoshi Run! (secret exit)
01:23:49 Sonic Boom (secret exit)
01:24:39 ZBreak (secret exit)
01:25:45 The Bouncer
01:36:22 Mario Must Die 4

posted by advysburohy