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Martin Wolf: The Shift and the Shocks: What We’ve Learned--and Have Still to Learn--from the Fina...

Peterson Institute for International Economics

Martin Wolf, chief economics commentator for the Financial Times, presents his new book, The Shift and the Shocks: What We’ve Learned—and Have Still to Learn—from the Financial Crisis, on October 9, 2014, at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. Athanasios Orphanides, professor of the Practice of Global Economics and Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management and former governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus, and Kevin Warsh, distinguished visiting fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution and former member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, provide commentary on Wolf’s argument. For more information, visit: http://www.piie.com/events/event_deta...

posted by nabrojimoe9