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Mechanics of Touching Your Toes (with hands or head)


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Touching your toes (with your hands or head) requires more than just flexible hamstrings.

In the “Mechanics of Touching Your Toes” we break this skill of pike & head to toe down into its fundamental components and look at how your nervous system interacts with each piece.

You will learn:
How your brain limits your flexibility (stretch tolerance)
The optimal forward fold technique
the passive to active spectrum / assisted to resisted spectrum
Which muscles get stretched
How to stretch muscles like your hamstrings
The muscles that need to be strong
About the sciatic nerve

And more…

The 3D anatomy & educational graphics are custommade by our inhouse graphics team. The media, video and FlexView anatomy are copyrighted. It's not for distribution or reuse without prior written permission from matthewismith.

Enjoy the video!
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions

posted by letshwofm