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Meet The Beetles! Biological Control of Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Part 6

Living Web Farms

Learn about the successful introduction of Laricobius nigrinusthe hemlock woolly adelgid predator beetle in Western North Carolinaand its role as a biological control for HWA (hemlock woolly adelgid). @livingwebfarms

Landowners, landscapers, farmers, forest stewards, gardeners, and naturalists, join us for this exciting event culminating years of work and research by Dr. McBug (entomologist Dr. Richard McDonald) and his team working on the introduction and propagation of the Laricobius nigrinus predator beetle and its role in protecting our hemlocks.

Dr. McBug and agents from Watauga, Ashe, and Avery County Cooperative Extension presented their findings and recommendations at the Watauga County Agricultural Conference Center for a handson and classroom workshop including:
Introductions & overview of HWA (hemlock woolly adelgid)/past conditions/history lessons, HWA in the landscape (Dr. Richard McDonald)
"Meet the beetles Outdoors" How to sample for beetles 'show and tell'.
Beetle biology, life cycle, prevalence in the landscape, role in HWA control. (Dr. Richard McDonald)
"Meet the beetles Indoors" Using a microscope & UV light to check for presence (Dr. Richard McDonald)
Laricobius survey results from Watauga County (Blake Williams, Ashe County Cooperative Extension)
Treatment options: Biological vs. Chemical (Lear Powell, Arborist; Jerry Moody, Avery County Cooperative Extension; Dr. Jim Hamilton, Watauga County Cooperative Extension)
Considerations for hemlocks with adelgid and dealing with elongate hemlock scale (Lear Powell, Arborist; Jerry Moody, Avery County Cooperative Extension; Dr. Jim Hamilton, Watauga County Cooperative Extension)
Q&A session
After our time in the Watauga Agricultural Conference Center, we go out in the field to visit Grandfather Golf & Country Club where we meet awardwinning superintendent Pete Gerdon, who has collaborated with Dr. McDonald to introduce the predator beetles to stop the adelgid hemlock problem they were having. Now, the ecosystem there is a stellar example of how restoration and recovery can occur when nature is helped get back in balance. In part 6, Watauga County Extension Director, Jim Hamilton further describes the process of the proliferation of the woolly adelgid predator beetle, Laricobius nigrinus, in the region and how they engaged land owner participation to maximize the survey results.

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