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Messages from the Starseed Families #63 To Convince the Mind

Abheda Pink

Transcript #63 To Convince the Mind

My dear starseed family members, how are you all?

We are good. And how about you?

I am good too. I was out and about today. I ate a lot of good food and cycled a lot to burn the calories off afterward .

It's good to hear that you sound happy.

Yes, I think so. I am feeling lighthearted .

We are happy that you are happy .

Aw…Thanks so much . I know you all are here for me unconditionally and always thinking the best for me .

Lynx: For there is no other way. We are ONE.

Thanks, Lynx . I wish I could have an embodied experience of this feeling of oneness. At the moment, my understanding is only on the intellectual level.

Lynx: It will come at the right timing for you.

I will be patient .

(I closed my eyes and just hung out with my starseed family members for a while.)

Dear all, I would like to bring in the info I just felt when my eyes were closed.

All: Sure.

So, I was just saying to you all, it was so nice to just hang out and there was no need to speak. But I was also told that these daily conversations were good tools to convince the mind. Let’s explore more on that.

CAT: Sure. For you, most of the things that need to be done are on the emotional and energetic level. There is little that can be done on the mental level. Also, it is not effective to target the mind for healing and upgrades rather than going directly to the heart. Because if we can resolve things on the heart level, the mind will subsequently be aligned as well.

Lynx: However, we still need to pacify the mind. For if we don’t do it, the mind may allure you away with different excuses.

CAT: Thus, these daily conversations serve as tools to pacify the mind. For when the mind is happy, it is willing to go along and let us do the work on the heart’s level.

Yeah, I think my mind had even created fears and worries in the past to sabotage my connection. I found that these emotions could affect my channeling adversely. But luckily, I kept pressing on and trusted that it would be okay. Otherwise, I would have given up.

Ora: If your trust was shaken off, it would take a long time to come back to connect with us again.

I think it happened from time to time in the past 13 to 14 years. I still remember after my first month’s connection with Archangel Michael, I had not channeled for quite some years . It was with time that the mind had built up trust, so it was willing to let me carry on.

Zak: It was also about timing .

Right, Zak, I agree with you. For now, my mind is quite open compared with the doubtful state at the beginning. So, thanks all of you for going along with these daily conversations, so my mind is becoming less and less defensive .

Zak: It is alright, we are very patient .

I know…For eons…You all have been helping me again and again .

Ora: For however “long” it takes, it’s our pleasure .

Zak: Because time is nonexistent for us, so you can save your guilty feelings .

Thanks for your reminder, Zak! Haha, it does light me up immediately ! Alright, so it is indeed a very good pacification for my mind today. All are clear, no more doubts (for today ).

All: .

Haha, I can see all the seven of you are here. So dear CAT, Zak, Ora, Lynx, Storm, Roca, and Miriam, shall we connect again tomorrow?

All: Sure!

posted by nut2i8q