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Micromanager - 5 tips to avoid micromanagement!

Bernd Geropp

Are you a micromanager? Do you have the tendency to control and specify everything?

Managers who think their employees need to be told exactly what to do in detail, are often at the mercy of micromanagement. They are frustrated. They complain about demotivation and inability of their employees. But they don’t understand: it’s their own fault.

Employees need to know about the overall business vision, about the strategy and about the bigger goals. You as their boss need to talk with them about it.
Your employees need to know where you want to go and why.

Otherwise, how can your employees know what to do and what your expectations are? How can they make decisions in your interest, if they don’t have a clue about the big picture and the direction where the company is heading?

If you want committed employees who work independently you need to learn how to delegate and how to support your employees so they can work on the details without you. And you need to resist your impulse to control and specify everything in detail.

In this video I’ll give you my best 5 best tips to avoid micromanaging.

Here you can read more about it:

posted by beowonderfs