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Milk Bun Coklat Resep SPESIAL Pedagang

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Milk Bun Coklat
240gr terigu protein tinggi
30gr gula pasir
20gr susu bubuk
10gr coklat bubuk
5gr instant
50gr whipcream cair atau susu cair
110gr susu cair
1 kuning telur
1/8 sdt bread improver
1/4 sdt bread softener
Campur semua bahan, mixer 5 menit
40gr coklat cair
3gr garam
20gr mentega
Campurkan dalam adonan roti, mixer hingga halus mulus (1020 menit tergantung mixer masing masing
Bagi adonan masing masing 2530gr
Proofing 3040 menit
Panaskan oven api atas bawah di suhu 200C, ketika suhu mencapai 150C, matikan api atas
Panggang roti selama 16 menit
Setelah dingin isi dengan diplomat cream
Beri topping buttercream lalu simpan di kulkas
Sesaat sebelum di sajikan, beri taburan topping gula susu di atasnya atau siram dengan saus coklat
Bila ingin di siram saus coklat, tidak perlu diberi topping buttercream

150gr mentega
50gr cream cheese
50gr susu kental kanis
Mixer hingga creamy

Topping gula susu
100gr gula dextrose atau gula donat
70gr susu bubuk bisa di ganti milo (bukan 3in1)
Coklat bubuk untuk taburan luar

Saus coklat
75gr dark compound
200gr susu segar
7gr tepung jagung
10gr coklat bubuk
12 sdt vanilla extract
15gr mentega
Masak di atas kompor sambil terus diaduk hingga meletup letup
Dinginkan dengan cara di tim di air es sambil terus di aduk hingga dingin
Masukkan plastik segitiga
Krim coklat bisa di tambah rhum sesuai selera

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Link vanilla:
Link coklat bubuk:

Chocolate Milk Buns
240g high protein flour
30g granulated sugar
20g powdered milk
10g cocoa powder
5g instant
50g liquid whip cream or liquid milk
110g liquid milk
1 egg yolk
1/8 tsp bread improver
1/4 tsp bread softener
Mix all ingredients, mixer 5 minutes
40g melted chocolate
3g salt
20g butter
Mix in the bread mixture, mixer until smooth (1020 minutes depending on each mixer
Divide the dough into 2530g each
Proofing 3040 minutes
Heat the top and bottom fire oven at 200C, when the temperature reaches 150C, turn off the top fire
Bake the bread for 16 minutes
Once cold, fill with diplomat cream
Top with buttercream then store in the refrigerator
Just before serving, sprinkle milk sugar topping on top or drizzle with chocolate sauce
If you want it to be drizzled with chocolate sauce, you don't need to top it with buttercream

150g butter
50g cream cheese
50g Kanis condensed milk
Mixer until creamy

Milk sugar topping
100g dextrose sugar or donut sugar
70g milk powder can be replaced with milo (not 3in1)
Chocolate powder for sprinkling on the outside

Chocolate sauce
75gr dark compound
200g fresh milk
7g corn flour
10g cocoa powder
12 tsp vanilla extract
15g butter
Cook on the stove while continuing to stir until it explodes
Cool by placing it in ice water while continuing to stir until cold
Insert the plastic triangle
Chocolate cream can be added with rum according to taste

posted by obreralhavw