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Minecraft Acid Interstate V4


– Song is “Time Lapses” by Glue Trip

This video took almost 5 months to make, ~150+ hours of recording time (~70 hours for the final render), years of advanced knowledge of Minecraft, coding, video production, and lots of knowledge of the GLSL Shaders Mod (now known as Optifine)

I’d appreciate it if you shared this video to all your friends and family who would enjoy watching it, it’s cool when lots of people from all over the world enjoy something.

– Patreon / PayPal Support
Feel free to support me on Patreon (  / ryry1002  ) or via PayPal (https://www.paypal.com/donate/?busine.... This is the best way to directly support me, thanks in advance.

– Downloads
Get the uncompressed version of this video at

You can download the shader and world I used for this video at

– Thanks
MiningGodBruce Helped me with bugs I was having, and motivated me to start this project and keep going with it, as well as being a good friend
Folks over at The House of God Gave me a lot of feedback on what I could improve on, and things I needed to pay more attention to, as well as just bein’ cool
Folks over at shaderLABS Answered a few questions I had about GLSL

– Video Production
Recorded with Minema (https://github.com/daipenger/minema) at 3840x2160 at 60fps
Developed and Recorded on 1.12.2, as it is the most stable version with the most mod support.
Terrain for parts 1, 3 and 5 were generated on 1.2.5 using GeneratorPorts (https://www.minecraftforum.net/forums...)
Terrain for parts 2 and 4 were generated on 1.12.2 using Beta+ (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/...)
World was made using MCEdit (https://github.com/Podshot/MCEditUni...)
Shader is a modified version of the shaderpack used in Minecraft Acid Interstate V3 (   • Minecraft Acid Interstate V3  ) which is a heavily modded version of SEUS v10.2 Preview 1 Ultra
Premiere Pro CC 2020 was used to edit the video during development and for the final version.
Encoded with FFmpeg, with a CRF value of 16.

These details are mostly for myself.

“Frustum Culling” (the culling of chunks when they are outside the players frustum) had to be disabled for this video, as the transitions require that it is disabled because of the way that they work in this case. (I will explain later) A downside of disabling Frustum Culling is that it takes up an insane amount of VRAM, (with Frustum Culling enabled, chunks outside the players' Frustum get moved into RAM, and visible terrain gets moved into VRAM, but with it disabled, all chunks are in VRAM at all times regardless of whether you can see them or not) Luckily I have a 1660 Super, so I was able to render this in a reasonable amount of time.

The “NonEuclidean Terrain Transitions” require that Frustum Culling is disabled, and that chunk preloading is enabled. The transitions work by having both models inside the players render distance (in this case they are side by side), and then squashing them into one area, and then deciding which terrain is visible inside a fragment shader by constructing a second pseudofrustum out of the cobblestone gateways. Because 2 models need to fit inside the render distance (16), The size of the models must shrink in order to fit inside the render distance (they are 256 x 255 x 256), I covered this up by cranking up the fog at certain points along the Xaxis. The terrain endpoints were stretched in the shadow map to keep them contiguous.
Everything in the shader is controlled by the players' position along the Xaxis, (from Terrain Deformations, Terrain Syncs, Clouds, Time, etc.) This was done because neither worldTime nor frameTimeCounter can be easily controlled between recordings.

Would put how I made the torches, but I'm at the 5,000 character limit so I guess you will have to look at Bruce's videos.

I made a lot of new Terrain Deformations that have never really been used before, because in Acid Interstate V3, Bruce only uses 2 deformations whereas I use 5 different deformations. I also updated the shader to make full use of new Optifine features (mainly # include), this also made it far easier to work with during development.

posted by Muharam9z