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Most popular place to buy food in the evening around Orussey market Phnom Penh street food


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Most popular place to buy food in the evening around Orussey market, Phnom Penh street food. Thank you for watching our videos. Watch more:
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00:27 Roasted whole pigs
01:29 Delicious grilled beef with pickled papaya for $0.50/skewer
08:47 Stirfried street food by two young men
13:38 Grilled ducks and chickens
20:28 Grilled fish, pork, chickens, quails, etc.
22:00 The two young men have an amazing cooking skill
41:46 At the northern side of Orrusey market
47:23 Fresh vegetables, fish, pork and seafood can be found at this area.


posted by frasesdeamorsz