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Most Ridiculous Eyebrows

Schizo Bob

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27.Flowery ones

I say this is a Joan of Arc look because you would have to be crazy to think you should rock this look.

26. Miss Pac Man

She looks like a surprised Ganguro girl. Ganguro is kind of like Japanese Black Face. This fashion trend started in the mid1990’s in Tokyo, where youth contradicted the norms of Japanese style and culture. Which was normally pale skin, and dark hair? Ganguro also has a connection to Japanese ghouls and folklore? I am glad to say that this died out around 2000.

25. Handlebar Eyebrows

This chick has eyebrows like Yosemite Sam has a mustache
Yeeee Haaaaa!

Yosemite Sam
Appeared in 33 Warner Bros Animations. He was known for his hatred of rabbits, and his hairtrigger attitude. His mustache in this photo is also longer than his legs.

24.Mean Eyebrows
I wonder if the guy who gave him this tattoo was thinking that when he drilled it into this guy's skull. It's like God stamped it on his head before shipping him out.

23.Tattoos don't replace hair, though.

Let's play connect the dots.


Make a wish, and get a bunch of new on your hands.

21.Something about Mimi?

Just saying, she looks like she got her makeup done on the Drew Carey show.


Kathy Kinney was well known for Playing Mimi Bobeck on The Drew Carey show. She was Drew’s nemesis, and always had some wicked eyebrows and mascara!

You can't just trace stuff with a sharpie on your face, well you can it is just really bad for your skin.

18.Nice triangle
She looks like a Star Trek character with those giant eyebrows painted on.
17. Sick Prank?
Someone got her good before senior picture day.
16.Marshall Gonzalez
We promise to soldier on, through rain or hail or kittens!

It looks like she got someone to sandblast orange peels on her forehead.

14. Did they get these out of a fake tattoo dispenser?

Remember those vampire wax candies you used to get for Halloween.

Anyways, it looks like someone found a giant magic marker for these eyebrows.

13.Fire Lashes

Stay away gypsey! I don't need your voodoo!

12. Its almost a Nike swoosh

This face says anything except but Just Do It.

11.Meth makes it hard to put on eyebrows.

She looks like she saw a ghost, maybe this is just a scooby do mystery. I would have gotten away with stealing all the eyebrows if it wasn't for those pesky kids.

10.Wrongfully Convicted

He looks like someone else gave him these eyebrows. Or when you look him in the eyes you believe him even less now! It should just read UNEMPLOYABLE across his forehead.

We like Orange Starburst as well! Thanks for the reply!

Redneck Bob likes Red, though. Hell yea man fruit punch baby.
He is a weirdo.

9.North Korea

The supreme leader has some jacked up eyebrows. It's like he was playing with fireworks made in North Korea.

Most ridiculous eyebrows on Schizo Bob

Joseph Jordania suggested that the primary evolutionary function of clearly visible eyebrows was safety from predators during the vulnerable nighttime sleep, when early hominid groups started sleeping on the ground, away from the trees. Stealth predators (like big cats) as a rule stop hunting if they notice that prey animals are watching them.

Most of these people would scare the hell out of a tiger.

29. High and tight

This guy had some serious clockwork orange eyebrows.

28. Big ones

I feel like she filled these in a little too much. Makeup fail.

It looks like she got nailed by the Peaky Blinders, but they missed. I feel like a lot of these photo’s were almost mugged shots. Some of them clearly are mugshots.

posted by Bonecco5l