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Multithreading in Python | Thread synchronisation and Locking

Cognitive Programmer

In todays world with the availability of multiple cores, its highly likely that we end up creating multithreaded applications more often than not for our day to day programming tasks. Almost all programming languages support creating and multithread applications and more often than not we end up creating more kernel level threads than user level threads.

Welcome to this video series on multithreading in python programming and in this video we're going to talk about how to synchronise the threads using mutex locks in python. Mutex locks are one of the simplest locks available in python programming language and it is usually used in the scenarios of producer and consumers threads

In this video, I've explained the usage of mutex locks using the simplest possible examples. I've also talked about different ways of using python threading locks i.e. c

1. Blocking thread locks
2. Thread locks with timeouts
3. threading locks without blocking

All of these are having their own benefits and usability in different different scenarios. I hope and believe that this video will help you in expediting your learning journey.

Here are the contents of this video

0:00 : Python Multithreading synchronisation and locks
1:33 : Python Threads need for Synchronisations and locks
2:47 : Creating Multiple threads without synchronisation
4:27 : Multiple threads with synchronisation Locks Acquiring and releasing the locks
5:48 : Passing synchronisation lock as thread parameters
6:43 : Global locks vs local locks
7:20 : python thread synchronisation locks with timeouts
10:02 : Python thread synchronisation with non blocking locks

#python #multithreading #multicore #cpu #pythonprogramming #threads #locks #mutex #threadsynchornixation

About Me i.e. An Insightful Techie

Greetings and Thanks a lot for checking out my YouTube Channel. I’m Deepak K Gupta (Daksh). This channel is a medium for me to share my learnings and journey as a Techie so that you not only learn from my experience but also from my mistakes

As a techie I am closely associated with software development, so most of my content will revolve around Programming Languages, AI, Machine learning and Databases. I share things which will help you learn, remember and use these things in an effective and efficient way.

As a Techie, I also know that there is a life beyond software development and it has a profound impact on our career as well as on our well being. I also share those learnings which I feel are worth sharing with the intention that it MAY help you in taking better decisions in your life.

Last but not the least, I'm a traveler and explorer by nature. I would like to take you with me on some of the interesting journeys around the world. Believe me there is more to learn outdoors than indoors

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posted by mywarcrya9