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My Coming out Story

Colton Witt

How I fell out of the closet.... You will see why I say this if you watch the video.
Also sorry this is so long I just got too in depth i guess! The last 4 or so minutes is about tips so if you are looking for those then just head there when you feel like it!

My Tumblr:   / cowten  
My Instagram:   / coltonwitt  
My Twitter:   / cottonwitt  

I get asked a lot about how I came out to my family and friends, how my experience was, and how they are with me now! This video answers all these questions! I start from when I realized that I was gay to how my life is now! I get kind of in depth, but if you have any more questions you can feel free to ask me!
Like I said before, the end of this video has some advice that I wanted to share with you in hopes that it helps a bit as well!

Music: Piano moment by

posted by Diserop5