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Mysterious Flames! The Power of Platinum / Mr. Denjiro's Happy Energy!

Mr. Denjiros Happy Energy!

DENJIRO: Today, I’m going to show you a magic trick using science. I want you to focus on this piece of cotton I have here. I’m going to send my powers to it.
GIRL: It caught on fire!
DENJIRO: Mysterious, no? Let me show you the secret. The piece of cotton actually had some powdered platinum in it. It’s called platinum black. On the other hand, there was a piece of paper soaked with methanol on the center of the table. Platinum black acts as a catalyst, which helps combustion of methanol. A catalyst helps out in the chemical reaction of other substances while the catalyst itself does not change. Furthermore, breaking down the platinum black increases surface area, which also increases the catalyst’s effects. As a result, the oxidation reaction is accelerated, the temperature rises, and the methanol catches fire.
Here’s something else that uses platinum black as a catalyst. This small tube here looks like lipstick. Let me take the top off and blow on it. This is a lighter that uses platinum as a catalyst. At the bottom of the tube is a piece of paper soaked with methanol, which acts as fuel. Above that, a piece of platinum black is suspended. By taking the top off and blowing on it, the platinum comes into contact with oxygen. As a result, the catalyst accelerates the oxidation of the fuel, and you get a flame. It is said that these were used outside of Japan in the early 1900s.
Something that is said to be an invention based on the platinum lighter is this platinum hand warmer. This top part here has platinum black. It lasts longer than a disposable hand warmer. Since the platinum black itself barely changes or gets used up, you can use it over and over again as long as you add fuel. These hand warmers are still used for activities such as camping.
I hope energy will bring you all happiness. Our magic word is "Happy Energy!"

posted by dcerykm