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NDLR: lessons learned u0026 minimal setup (talk + jam)

Pete Midi

Is this Tangerine Dream or JeanMichel Jarre in a box? I'm convinced that these musicians are too big to fit into such a little box, but finally I could not resist the charm of conductive labs NDLR. Here is my experience report and minimal setup for noodling with the NDLR:

00:00 Preview
00:12 Experience (talk)
02:38 Setup (jam)

Gear used
Sound & Midi: Fred's Lab BUZZY 4part multitimbral played by NDLR,
Modal SKULPT synth SE 4 voice polyphonic played from keyboard (midiplus X2 mini) + Line 6 M5 effects pedal (particle reverb)
Recording & Mixing: Behringer XR18 & Ableton Live 10 (with a small amount of additional reverb)

posted by pokajanojr4