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British Movietone

(31 Dec 1979)

REEL 1 In 02:22:44:20 Out 02:39:10:23 MCU Street sign 'Kwame Nkrumah Avenue'. TS Car through street, shot through window at armoured car. TS Crowd in street. GV Market Place. Various people, activities in market. Gold Coast Elections 1956 Election crowds. MS CPP flag. MS CPP headquarters. MS People outside HQ arguing. CU Poling station. Exterior polling station and crwods. MS Nkrumah and associates. Ghana Independence 1957 People celebrating prior to independence. MS Ghanian flag at airport. Duchess of Kent arrives, greets Nkrumah. People dancing, celebrating. Independence festivities regatta. Black Star Square, Accra illuminated, firework display. Nkrumah speaks at independence rally. Chiefs gathering for State drive. Duchess and parade arrive at Parliament. MS Royal Standard. MS Duchess delivers Queen's Speech. MS Nkrumah in car amongst crowds. MacMillan arrives Accra 1960, greeted by Nkrumah. Ghanians dancing, celebrating Republic. Nkrumah at Presidential Garden Party. Aerial shots of Volta Dam Project and shots of Dam. Shots of Village. Dam construction site. REEL 2 In 02:39:17:09 Out 02:39:17:09 02:56:24:09 Various shots of Construction of Tema Port. Natives loading small boats and row out to ships off Accra. Shots of Trade Fair. New buildings in Accra. University. Interior University Library. CU Books by Trotsky and Lenin etc. Students in Classroom. Man buys newspaper, zoom to cU headlines. Various headlines praising Nkrumah. Nkrumah and wife arrives in car at Accra Military Academy (first public appearance after bomb attempt on his life), military parade, Nkrumah speaks from rostrum, greets officials and leaves. Soldiers. Soldiers searching people and possesions for arms etc. Police security guards searching through house possessions. Massed crowds at Accra airport. Chiefs with colourful clothes awaiting the Queen's arrival. The Queen and Duke arrive, greeted by Nkrumah. (1961). Demonstrations. Nkrumah at Commonwealth Conference in Downing Street. Shots of new buildings in Accra. Nkrumah received by haile Selassie (1958). Nkrumah arrives in Cairo, greeted by Nasser, crowd scenes, march past. Arch at Black Star Square. MCU 'Founder of the Nation' statue of Nkrumah.

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