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North Korea's Modern Military | Animated History

The Armchair Historian

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David Albright, “North Korean Nuclear Weapons Arsenal: New Estimates of Its Size and Configuration,” Institute for Science and International Security, April 10, 2023,

Barnett, D. Sean, Yvonne K. Crane, Gian Gentile, Timothy M. Bonds, Dan Madden, and Katherine Pfrommer. North Korean Conventional Artillery: A Means to Retaliate, Coerce, Deter, or Terrorize Populations. Santa Monica: RAND Corporation, 2020.

Bennett, Bruce W. “Standing up to Kim JongUn’s DivideandConquer Strategy.” Rand Corporation, January 6, 2023.

Choi, Kang. “Predicting the Future of North Korea: Preparing for the Worst Case.” In The Kim Jong Un Regime and the Future Security Environment Surrounding the Korean Peninsula, edited by The National Institute for Defense Studies. Tokyo: The National Institute for Defense Studies, 2017.

Defense Intelligence Agency. North Korea Military Power: A Growing Regional and Global Threat. Washington, DC: US Government Publishing Office, 2021.

Kim, Youngjun. Origins of the North Korean Garrison State : The People’s Army and the Korean War. Abingdon, Oxon ; Routledge, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, 2018.

Lee, Chung Min and Kathryn Botto. Korea Net Assessment: Politicized Security and Unchanging Strategic Realities.Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2020.

Lee, Rachel Minyoung. “Pyongyang’s Strategic Calculus and Future Trajectory.” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, May 31, 2023.

Madhani, Aamer. “US Says North Korea Delivered 1,000 Containers of Equipment and Munitions to Russia for Ukraine War.” AP News, October 13, 2023.

O’Hanlon, Michael E. “America Has Military Options for North Korea—but They’re All Bad.” Brookings, January 8, 2018.

Snyder, Scott A. “How Kim JongUn Advanced North Korea’s Military in a Decade.” Council on Foreign Relations, December 17, 2021.

Tertitskiy, Fyodor. The North Korean Army: History, Structure, Daily Life. 1st ed. Vol. 1. Milton: Routledge, 2023.

The Military Balance. “Chapter Six: Asia.” The Military Balance 123, no. 1 (2023). 208301.

“What’s the Status of North Korea’s Nuclear Program?” Council on Foreign Relations, June 28, 2022.

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