Between April and October 2024, I placed 200 ClearView 3 and 200 Odyssey premium multifocal lenses. I share our patients' experience with these lenses the good and the not so good. We also discuss the PanOptix lens since we have had great success with the PanOptix over the past 5 years.
PanOptix v Odyssey. Which is Better? • PanOptix vs Odyssey. Which is better?...
2024's best multifocal premium lens implants. Odyssey lens experience in my 1st 100 patients. • 2024’s best multifocal premium lens i...
ClearView 3 premium multifocal lens implant. Experience in my 1st 100 patients. • ClearView 3 Premium Multifocal Lens I...
0:01 Epic introduction AC/DC Hell's Bells
1:05 Our patient's experience after implanting 200 clearview 3 and 200 Odyssey lenses. The highest satisfaction rate lens is the odyssey lens
1:35 The clearview 3 lens. How it works.
2:15 The PanOptix lens. How it works. Strengths and weaknesses of the panoptix lens.
3:13 The clearview 3 lens. Our experience good and bad, strengths and weaknesses found in our first 200 patients. The problem with reading
3:47. What we do with the unsatisfied clearview 3 patients? Intraocular lens exchange remove the clearview 3 lens and replace it with the odyssey lens.
4:14. Are patient's more satisfied with the odyssey lens after removal of the clearview 3 lens?
4:45. Our experience with the odyssey lens in our first 200 patients. Strengths and weaknesses
5:08. Rate of dissatisfaction with the odyssey lens, halo effect with the odyssey lens in our first 200 patients
5:54. Odyssey vs PanOptix comparison
6:27 My goal if you have premium cataract surgery or premium lens replacement surgery.
7:06. Clearview 3 lens vs Odyssey lens. My recommendations.
7:30. Inability to read with the clearview 3 lens. How often does this happen?
8:10 Comparison chart odyssey v panoptix v clearview 3 lenses
9:06. Nighttime halos with panoptix lens vs nighttime halos with the odyssey lens
10:00. Nighttime halo with the clearview 3 lens. Nighttime vision with the clearview 3 lens.
11:00 The best multifocal lens implant with the highest satisfaction rate the odyssey lens.
11:30. lens options sheet at Austin Eye
Financial disclosure: I have no financial interest in any of the products discussed in this video.